
            Μαιευτήρας - Χειρουργός Γυναικολόγος 

     ειδ. υπογονιμότης  καθ'έξιν (επαναλαμβανόμενες) αποβολες




 Θεματολογία και σύγχρονη αρθρογραφία για μαιευτικά - γυναικολογικά  και θέματα υπογονιμότητας -  Ανοσολογίας αναπαραγωγής  με εκλαϊκευμένη γραφή 



Tabassum Parveiz M D




RPL is defined as 3 or more consecutive spontaneous abortions before 20 wks of gestation or a fetal weight less than 500 gms

      2 Types - Primary Aborters Women without a previous livebom infant

Secondary Aborters Women with atleast one prior livebom infant

Incidence: 0 5 - 1% of all pregnancies

Recurrence Risk:

The reproductive H/o patient is \ ery important as relative risk of abortion increases with no of previous pregnancy failures

No of Prior losses % Risk of loss in next pregnancy Atleast one live born infant

0                                                                                        12%

1                                                                                        24 %

2                                                                                        26 %

3                                                                                        32 %

4                                                                                        26 %

No live born infant

2                                                                        or more  40 - 45 %

Etiology: In 50 % cases a Probable cause is identified

1.    Genetic factors: (5%)

A)   Chromosomal abnormalities of conceptus

     Are a common cause of early sporadic abortion [single losses] but not a major cause of RPL

     Responsible for 50-60% of 1st TM abortion

      Most common are aneuploidics, which are present m 80% of blighted ova and 5-10% abortion in which fetus are present

     Are detected by examination of POC

      Occur due to errors of maternal or paternal meiosis I or II, super fecundation of an egg by 2 sperms of form a chromosome division in absence of cytoplasmic division with advancing maternal age or due to fertilization of ageing ova or sperm

i) Autosomal trisomies (40 - 5 0%)

     Includes 13, 16* 18, 21 and 22 u) Monosomy X - (20-25%)

     Have a karyotype 45 X

     If pregnancy is not aborted identified at birth as individual with Turner’s syndrom,

in) Polyploidy - Triploidy (16%)

-       Mostly seen in IVF conceptuses

-       Triploid fetus may result in formation of V mole

B) Parental chromosomal abnormalities (3-5%)

-       Is higher m couples who have not experienced a live birth

-       The structural re-arrangements could be de- no\ a Occurring during gametogenesis or could be inherited from one of the parents who is a carrier for these abnormalities


      Translocations - 2/3rd reciprocal balanced translocation

-        l/3rd Robertsonian translocation

-       Translocation carriars are phenotypically normal

      Others -

-        Inversions

-        Mosaicism

II     Anatomic abnormalities of uterus (10-15%)

-       Usually responsible for 2nd Tm abortion

-        May be congenital or acquired

A)    Congenital -

a)    Mullerian duct abnormalities -

1                                                                       Umcomuate uterus 2 Bicomuate uterus

3                                                                       Septate uterus        4 Didelphic uterus

b)    DES exposure in utero -

Can cause multiple uterme anomalies most common hypoplasia contributing to 1st and 2nd Tm spontenous abortion, incompetent cervix and prematiure labour

c)    Uterme artery anomalies -

B)   Acquired -

1      Cervical incompetence -

-       May be congenital (rare) or acquired (iatrogenic)

-       Usually late 2nd Tm abortion

-        Caused by - cervical trauma

-       Following D&C, Vaginal operative delivery through an undilated cervix, amputation of cervix, cone biopsy

2      Intrauterine adhesions (synechiae) -

-       Result from intrauterine infection combined with surgical trauma like - postabortal or postpartum curettage for retained POC

-       Tubercular endometritis

3       Submucus fibroids -

Less common causes includes

4      Endometriosis

5      Retroverted uterus

III   Endocrine abnormalities (10 —15%) —

a)    Luteal phase deficiency

In adequate endometrial maturation due to insufficient progesteron - early pregnancv loss

     There is much controversy about LPD as a cause of RPL

      Decreased progesteron level is the effect rather than cause of abortion

b)    Polycystic ovarian syndrome - (PCOS)

      In RPL, 82% pt Shows a evidence of PCOS

      Hypersecretion of LH, may lead to

1      Direct inhibition of oocyte maturation inhibitor (omi) leading to production of physiologically aged oocyte

2      Altered synthesis of prostaglandins

3      Increased androgen systhesis by theca cells

4      Production of abnormal glycoform of LH causing abnormal signal transduction and anovulation

c)     Thyroid deficiency -

     Unlikely cause of RPL

d)    Diabetes -

Poorly control diabetes with elevated blood sugar and glycosylated Hb in first Tm

e)     Androgen and Prolectin disorders - can lead to corpus leuteum dysfunction

IV.                                  Infections                - (5%)

      More likely to cause sporadic loss

       Uterine or disseminated List includes -

Syphilis, Rubella, Herpes, Cytomegalovirus, Listeria, Toxoplasmosis, Ureaplasma, Brucella, Mycoplasma, E coli Tubercular bacilli

V.    Immunological factors - (20 - 40%)

a)    Abnormal cellular immuno response- (Embryo/ trophoblast toxic factors/cytokines)

Trophoblast antigens----------- + —a macrophages

and lymphocytes —a abnormal cellular response

by TH1 cells             a release of cytokins, IFN - g

and TNF -a inhibit in-vitro development of embryo

b)    Abnormal humoral immune response.

1.    Autoimmune factors

Include antiphosphohpid antibody syndrome


     Antibodies are formed against negatively charged phospholipids In my recent case study of 5 0 pts of recurrent abortions in 2001 - 2002 the autoimmune factor of antiphosphohpid antibody formed against negatively charged phospholipid has been demonstrated m 4 patients Its occurrence would be surely demonstrated in more pts of recurrent abortions If all such patients are thoroughly screened for these autoimmune factors

Mainly 2 types - LA & ACA

MOA - Increased thromoboxane and

decreased prostacyclme synthesis, reduced

anti thrombin III synthesis and protine C


     APA can inhibit m vitro syncytial trophoblast formation

2.     Alio - immune factors -

      Active immune modulation of maternal system protects the embryo from rejection

      Circulating factors proposed as being immuno suppresive include blocking antibodies, early pregnancy factor IL-2, local suppressor cells & certain cytokines

VI.    Miscellaneous factors - (10%)

l) Environmental toxins - heavy metal toxicity, prolonged exposure to organic solvents u) Drugs - Antiprogestogens, Antineoplastic agents, inhalation anaesthetics, Nicotine and ethanol in) Ionizing radiation

ιν) Medical illnesses - Cardiac renal, Hematological, Wilson’s disease, Crohn’s disease

v)    Coitus

vi)   Exercise

vu) Incompatible ABO group matings

VII.    Idiopathic - (40 -50%)

Management —

History to be elicited m between the pregnancies - From the female partner -

Age, Menstrual history, duration of marriage contraception use, no of previous pregnancies and their outcome, gestational age at outcome Type of abortions associated with pam, post-abortal curretage, histopath confirmation of POC, karyotype of abortions Past Medical History:


1      Diabetes Mellitus

2      Thyroid

3      TB

4      Chronic renal disease

5      TORCH infection

Past surgical history: On genital tract Family History:

1      Chromosomal disorders

2      Congenital anomalies

3      Diabetes mellitus History of subtance abuse:

From the husband -

Age, H/o previous successful proven fertility, occupation, medical illness, testicular trauma, family H/o

-    Chronic disease


      Substance abuse

      H/o consanguinity Historj during Pregnancy:

LMP. precious cycles, use of oral contraceptive, use of ovulation inducing agents Bleeding/pain/pelvic pressure On examination:

      Mental status

      General examination

      Vital signs

      Stigma of endocrmal / systemic disease

      Systemic examination P/S ♦ Cervix / vaginal infection

      Condition of ext OS

P/V ♦ Uterus ♦ size, shape, mobility, tenderness

      any anomalies


      cervical mcompitence/tears


1.     Genetic:

      Parental peripheral blood karyotyping with banding techniques

      Karyotyping of abortus/amniotic fluid/amnion/ placenta

2.     Antiphospholipid antibody svndrome-

      Plateletcount, B T C T

     To detect LA

-        Activated partial thromboplstm time (APTT)

-        Kaolin clotting time (KCT)

-        Dilute Russel viper λ enom time * (d RVVT)

-       Tissue thromboplastin inhibition time (TTIT)

To detect ACA

-       A standerdised ELISA is used for both IgG & IgM classes of ACA

3.     Luteal Phase Defect

      Fndometrial biopsy - Ideally 10 days after LH surge In out of phase biopsies - Scram androgen & prolactin


Serum progestron assay - Sum of three values obtained

3   days apart between 4 & 11 days before the next expected menses Value < 15ngm /ml is significant

4.     Hypothyrodism-

      TFT including T3, T4 & TSH

      Detection of antithyroid antibody

5.     Diabetes -

      Blood sugar profile

      Glycosylated Hb estimation

6.     PCOS-

      Estimation of LH, FSH LH

      USG - Most sensitive


7.     Infections -

      Complete hemogram

      TORCH titre


      Cervical swab culture

8.     Uterine Anomalies-

      Clinical examination



9.     Cervical incompitence-

      Interconceptional period -

-       Eaxy passage of No 8 Hegar’s dilator

-        Premenstrual hystro - cervicography

      During pregnancy-

-        P/V examination

-        On USG cervical length < 2 5 cm

-                Diamter of mt os > 23 mm 10 Endometnosis-

      USG                             ♦ Laproscopy


1.     Genetic

     No specific therapy

      Genetic counselling

      Donor sperm/Donor eggs

      Gene treapy

      The couple may opt Or adoption

2.    Anatomic abnormalities

      Uterine septum - Transcervical lysis

      Broad uterine septum - Modified Jone's mctroplasty

     Tompkin’s mctroplasty

      Bicornuate & didelphic uterus - Strassman’s metroplasty

      Intrauterine adhesions - hystroscopic resection

      Submucous fibroids - myomectomy

      Cervical mcompitence - interval tracheloraphj

      during pregnancy - Macdonald’s stitch

      Shirodkar’s stitch

      Endometriosis -

-        Mild - no treatment, analgesics for pam

-       Modarate to severe - Combined OC’s X 6 months

Danazole 200-8OOmg/day X 6 months Oral MPA - 30mg/day X 6 months Parentral MPA - 100 mg i/m every 2 wks For

3   months followed by 200 mg i/m monthly for 3-6 months

      Surgical -

      Laproscopic adhesiolysis, Diathermies, Laser vaporization by C02 or Nd/Yag laser, excision of cysts, presacral neurectomy

3.    LPD-

     Progestron supplementation (started 3 days after ovulation)

-        Vaginal suppositories -25 - 50 mg BD (till 8-9 wks of gestation)

-        I/m 12 5 mg/day (till 8-9 wks of gestation)

-        or as soon as preg Diagnosed weekly i/m mj Of 17 - hydroxy progestron caproate (maintance, proluton depot, procaprm) - 250 - 500 mg X 16 weeks

      HCG - After LH surge 2000 - 5000 IU every 2-5 days X 12 wks I/m (Pubergen, Ovidac. Fertigyn, Life)

4.    PCOS-

      Wt Loss

      6 months of OC’s

      Dexamethasone 0 5 mg or prednisolone 5 mg at bed time

      LHRH agonists

      Surgery - if medical therapy fails or hyperstimulation occurs

      Laproscopic multiple puncture of the cysts with electrocuatry or laser

5.    Hypothyroidsm - Eltroxin

6.    Diabetes - Counselling, insulin.

7.    Infections - Treated by appropriate antibiotics to both the partners

8.    Anti Phospholipid antibody syndrome -

      Low dose aspirin - 75 - 80 mg/day

or low dose aspirin 75 - 80 mg/day + depann 5000

-    10000 UXBD S/c

      Treatment is started as soon as pregnancy test is positive and continued till 32 wks

      Monitoring is done by -

-       Levels of APA - both LA & CA monthly

-       Platelet count every 2 wks

-       Serial bone minral density in women receiving heparin

-       USG and Doppler monitoring of fetus

     IVIG - can be used to treat APA syndrome with or without heparin Dose - 0 5 mg/Kg/month beginning before conception followed b\

500 - 600 mg/Kg at 5 wks. followed by 300 - 400 mg/Kg even 3 weeks till 22 wks

9.    Allommune factors - 

     Immunisation of female partner b> leukocytes from-

-        Male partner - Third party leukocytes

-        Seminal plasma - Trophoblastic preparation These may suppress CMI response and NK activity

     In non responders passive immunisation by ι/ν Ig can be done

     Others -

-        Cyclosporine - Pentoxifylline

-       Nifedipine                   - Progesteron (m doses

of 10'5 mmoI/L can inhibit m vitro TH1 immunity       to


10. Environmental  / Occupational factors - 

No specific treatment except counselling

Prognosis for viable birth Following

One abortion                   -            76%

Two abortion                  -            70%

Three abortion                -            65%

Four abortion                  -            60% With

Genetic factor                 -            20-80%

Anatomic factors           -            60-90%

Endocrine factors          -            >90%

Infectious factors          -            70-90%

APA syndrome               -            70-90%

TH1 cellular immunity -            70-87%

Unknown factors           -            40-90% Following

USG detected fetal cardiac activity at 6 wks of gestation

-    77%


1      Current obstetrics and Gynaecology vol 9 Issue 1 March 1999 Topic - Current concepts in pathogenesis oi Recurrent Miscarrage (P 2-(j) M Thlppala, D Ylikorkala

2      Antiphosphohpid antibodies and investigation of recurrent Abortions M J Hewitt, S M Quenby, P N Baker

3      The Medical and Surgical Management of Recurrent Miscarriage Pg 13 - 18 J Walker

4      Psychological aspects of spontaneous and Recurrent Abortions (P 19-22) D Bagchi, T Friedman

5      Gestational Diabetes (P 23 - 28) FD John Store


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Ημέρες-Ώρες ιατρείου: ΔΕ-ΤΕ-ΠΕ 18:00-21:00

Εγγραφές - Ερωτήσεις
Εδώ, συμπληρώνοντας το Ονοματεπώνυμό σας και την διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου, μπορείτε να ρωτήσετε οποιαδήποτε απορία και θα σας απαντήσω το συντομότερο δυνατόν. Επίσης οι ασθενείς μου μπορουν να παραλάβουν εντολές συνταγογράφησης εξετάσεων του ΕΟΠΥΥ, αποθηκευμένες είκονες υπερηχογραφημάτων, γυναικολογικής επίσκεψης, κολποσκόπησης όπως και απαντήσεις των εξετάσεών τους ηλεκτρονικά.

Νεα απο το Βασιλικό Κολλέγιο Μαιευτήρων Γυναικολόγων